Time recording – simple and precise

Online time recording for SMEs, public administrations, municipalities, banks, insurance companies and other sectors

  • Record working and project times online and on the time-recording app, anywhere and anytime
  • Real-time overview of team schedules and availability
  • Record time and book absences in Microsoft Outlook
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Our customers

SMS Logo 1h 300dpi RGB 1Customised time-recording

Save time and money. The modular time-recording software enables optimum planning, monitoring and effortless accounting of your employees’ working hours. Combine the individual modules and use a compact yet clear time-recording system with many intelligent features for recording your working hours.
Incidentally, our time-recording software is available as an on-site solution (buy) or as a software as a service (cloud, rent).

Time recording and absence management

Your employees can record their working hours and absences intuitively and from any location online in their browser or in the time-recording app for iOS and Android. Optionally, a terminal of your choice can be connected for time recording.

On-Premise                    Software as a Service


Order- and project-time recording

You assign working hours and expenses directly to projects, and maintain control of projects, orders, expenses and budgets. Your employees enter data directly into the software.

On-Premise                    Software as a Service


Shift planning

With little administrative effort, you can create duty or shift schedules for your staff. With staff scheduling, you can keep track of shifts and working hours in your company even in the event of staff shortages.

On-Premise                    Software as a Service

Schichtplanung | Personaleinsatzplanung
  • «With the time recording system bridge4erp from zeit ag, we can manage workload distribution, overtime and holidays in real time. It saves a lot of time and offers transparency for the strategic management of our team.»

    Frank Wilhelm
    DC-Stv Informatics
    Polizei Kanton Solothurn
    Frank Wilhelm
  • «With presento.pro we can monitor the working hours and absences of our employees at 7 different locations globally and at different levels. Supplemented by time.pro, the solution is even more interesting and offers a fun and intuitive interface as well as additional statistical tools.»

    Susanne Hugentobler
    Head of Human Resources
    Groupe Cogestim
    Susanne Hugentobler

Choose where and how to record your time

Online time recording

Online time recording

Intuitive time recording and change management irrespective of location


Software as a Service

Mobile app

Mobile app

Record working hours anytime and anywhere


Software as a Service

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook

Quickly manage hours and absences via Microsoft Outlook®


Contact us!
We will be happy to advise you personally.

We cannot serve interested customers with less than 15 employees with our solution.
We cannot serve interested customers with less than 15 employees with our solution.
We cannot serve interested customers with less than 15 employees with our solution.

Frequently asked questions